Social Issues In Marriage

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Marriage is a union that best exemplifies the different rituals, traditions, structures of the many cultures around the world and continues to be a desirable way of life for most people. Despite strong desire, studies related to marital life and marital satisfaction indicate that problems occurring in the marital union decrease life satisfaction in women and cause social problems (Bharambe & Baviskar, 2013; Boran, Gökçay, Devecioğlu, & Eren, 2013; Be, Whisman & Uebelacker., 2013). The most common social problem caused by marital discord is divorce (Lampard, 2013). Unresolved issues between spouses in marriage lead to divorce. In the United States, it is estimated that 40 percent to 50 percent of all first marriages and 60 percent of second …show more content…

An examination of the relevant literature review revealed that the determining factors for marital adjustment are age, gender, duration of marriage, employment status, age at marriage, marriage form, unrealistic expectations, level of education, number of children, lack of preparation for marriage and early marriages (Jamabu & Ordu, 2012; Zhang, Ho, & Yip, 2011; Rahmani, Alahgholi, & Merghati, …show more content…

In addition to the negative impact on the mother’s and infant’s health due to adolescent pregnancy, (Şen & Kavlak, 2011), early marriages are also associated with women 's basic education, the inability to find a place in the economy, feminization of poverty, violence, abuse and victimization, problems related to marriage adaptation and life satisfaction (UNICEF, 2014; Be, Whisman & Uebelacker., 2013; Tezcan & Coşkun, 2004). Düzen and Atalay reported that the risk of death for women between 10 and 14 years old during pregnancy is five times higher than for women between 20 and 24 years old. Respectively, infants born to mothers in the first age bracket are five times more likely to die than those born to mothers in the second age bracket (Düzen & Atalay, 2013). According to the International Women 's Research Center (ICRW), child brides are likely to be exposed to double the amount of physical violence and three times the amount of sexual violence in comparison to older age groups (ICRW, 2007). In addition, depression and suicide rates were found to be higher in child marriages (Gage, 2013). A study from Ethiopia shows that girls who married very early were less likely than girls who married later to have received any formal education (Erulkar,