Social Stability In Brave New World

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Social stability is not worth the price that the people of the World State have to pay, but there are numerous benefits to the way they live. In the World State everyone is equal and treated the same; at the cost of being forced to live a certain way and work certain jobs, without the opportunity to change. The economy is substantial because of the consumerism in their society, everyone being encouraged, almost forced, to buy the same games and products. While every person in the society is essentially happy, apart from a few individuals; there is no progress. In Brave New World, the World State controls its citizens to maintain social stability which makes the citizens have no value in the government's perspective. Admittedly, the citizens do hold value based on their social class. For example, even the Epsilons fulfill important roles in society …show more content…

They like going to the feelies, their jobs, their class, taking soma every day, and the fact that everyone belongs to everyone. In Brave New World, the World Controller, Mustapha Mond, explains, “That's the price we have to pay for stability. You've got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art. We sacrificed the high art.” (Huxley 220). In the World State, they got rid of intellectual work such as music and literature, in order to keep “happiness.” In reality, the citizens of the World State are blissfully ignorant and have never experienced sadness, heartbreak, poverty, grief, or any difficulties. Mustapha Mond confirms this himself when he says, “–and you can’t make tragedies without social instability. The world’s stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they can’t get” (Huxley 219). Ultimately, how could they ever know true happiness when they aren’t exposed to the opposite? Citizens must be happy in order for society to be stable, but happiness cannot be achieved without