Social Stratification In The United States

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Social stratification has been a part of society for thousands of years and has yet to dissipate. It is prevalent on the micro and macro level and has been a part of various societies and cultures ranging from the united states all the way to India. Social Stratification, "is a system of inequality that takes into account the differences among individual members of a society and ranks them by their wealth, power, prestige, and ascribed status, thus creating a social hierarchy" (Larkin, 2015, para. 5). The organizing principles of social stratification are class, gender, and race. The caste, slavery, and class system are all products of social stratification and have been seen throughout history. Social stratification goes beyond the …show more content…

The class system in the United States is broken up into six levels: the capitalists, the upper class, upper middle class, working class, lower working class, and underclass. The Capitalists are usually investors or top executive, the upper middle class is usually professionals and upper level managers, the lower middle class is semiprofessionals, foremen, and craftspeople, the working class is factory works, clerical works, and retail, the working poor is laborers, service works, low-paid salespeople, and the underclass is unemployed, part-time, or on welfare (Larkin, 2015, para). This system of stratification is the most open and allows for the most social …show more content…

There is an income inequality that exists in the Unites States, women earn on average 80% what the average male makes. In 2016, the median earning of males was $51, 640 while women made $41, 554 (Semega, 2017). Education also plays a role in the gender pay gap and even though women may be receiving the same degree as a man they continue to be paid less. The pay gap associated with education is illustrated by Larkin, "On average, a male with a bachelor's degree will earn $25,000 more than a female with a similar degree. Women with a master's degree earn $32,500 less than men possessing a similar degree" (2015, para. 58). Even though women are joining careers that are dominated by men the pay gap continues and even in female dominated careers there is still lower

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