Social Work Ethics Case Study

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Involving on organizations like AGE of Central Texas and Micah 6 display codes of ethics that they have on their agencies. The reading “Code of Ethics of the national association of social workers” outlines ethical principal and standards that guide the work that social workers must do professionally their practice. By reading the book of the code of ethics I have realized an ethical dilemma that happens to the organization Micah 6 with the clients of the agency. The dilemma that occurs almost every day of the food pantry on Micah 6 is a conflict between a specific professional principle and standards of the client and the personnel of Micah 6. This dilemma happening in the organization Micah 6 food pantry is an ethical and standards principle. The dilemma happening in the organization is that volunteers must be equal with all of the …show more content…

This causes tension and conflicts within the volunteer and also with the clients. After realizing this dilemma on Micah 6 I found on the book of “Code of Ethics of the national association of social workers” an ethical standard that social workers must fallow for clients on organizations. The number of the ethical standards is 1. Social workers ethical responsibilities to clients: 1.01 commitment clients. This ethical standard says that social workers primary responsibility is to promote the well-being of clients. In general, clients’ interests are primary. However, social workers’ responsibility to the larger society or specific legal obligations may, on limited occasions, supersede the loyalty owed clients, and clients should be so advised. This ethical standard is related to the dilemma with Micah 6 because the volunteer or members of the organization have to promote the well-being of the client, but this means also that the promotion of the well being of the clients has to be equal to everyone. By having this meaning, it causes members of the food pantry to enhance the roles and regulation