Socialism In Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle'

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Ariel Ortiz Mr. Martinez September 30, 2014 The Jungle The Jungle by Upton Sinclair caused quite a stir in the United States. This book opened the eyes of so many to what laborers were going through during that day and age.Throughout the novel, he was trying to illustrate problems that were going on during that period of time. The story is about Jurgis and Ona who travel together in hopes of the american dream. A lot of people were traveling to America to get a new and fresh start in a up and coming land. They face so many challenges in their journey. Sometimes their hard work pays off and sometimes it doesn’t. In the end, the dream is false and they are faced with battling capitalism. One of the problems Sinclair mainly illustrates in capitalism and the other is socialism. The first problem Sinclair tried to illustrate was the evils of capitalism. In chapter 10, Jurgis goes through a lot of financial problems. His agent tells him about all the expenses they have to pay for. Spring comes through and with it, rain. In the summer the factories are really hot. The heat brings flies because of all the blood and meat. Marija …show more content…

It achieved what he was aiming for. I agree with the way he used to try and fix this problem. There might have been other ways to fix it, but they wouldn't have been as effective. Because of this book, The Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 were created. After that, the Bureau of Chemistry became the Food and Drug Administration in 1930. This book did not help with the inequality of females but it improved the environment of laborers. Today the situation is satisfactory. Women and Men are equal. They get paid the same and they can obtain the same jobs. The way food is prepared now is so much better than back in the 1900s. People care a lot more about the preparation of their food. Even how the animal is treated before it is slaughtered now. A lot has changed in the past couple of