Application Of Goffman's Theory Of Presentation Of Self In Everyday Life

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The disadvantaged neighbourhood viewed as a field, can help shed light on how residents can undergo socializing processes that are unique to their communities. Due to these socializing processes, residents can also develop distinct understandings of which behaviours should be performed - to use Goffman 's terms - in the front or back regions. In The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Goffman (1978) presented a theory of dramaturgy that likens social interaction to the theatre. According to this theory, the boundary between the front and back regions of the social stage provides an essential presence of barriers between preparatory and per-formative venues. He suggested that how we present ourselves to others is aimed toward 'impression management, ' which is a conscious decision on the part of the individual to reveal certain aspects of the self and to conceal others, as actors do when performing on stage. According to Goffman individuals can be seen as performers, audience members, and outsiders that operate within particular 'stages ' or social spaces.
Goffman (1959) insisted that performance presented in 'front ' stage regions (such as workplaces or formal ceremonial settings) are usually differentiated by 'barriers to perception ' from 'back stages ' (bathrooms, restaurant kitchens, private offices) where performers prepare themselves. Within the walls of a social establishment we find a team of performers who cooperate to present to an audience a

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