Society In Mean Girls

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Society plays a vast role on how someone presents themselves as well as what morals they decide best fit them. Through this Obedience to Authority unit we have disscusses the roles that society plays to make people feel that they have to conform. Why should people have to conform to what authority tells them? Some things though should be obeyed though like normal rules like you can not leave early from work. But should we have to do something that could potentially hurt or ruin someone's life? There are so many questions that can arise when we begin talking about how society plays a role in what kind of decisions that we can make on our own. But here is one that would make the best argument and maybe help find some kind of answer. Should …show more content…

In this case they are called the plastics and they are know throughout the whole school as being the mean but extremely pretty girls that any guy would be lucky to date. Walter explains how much pressure there is in highschool to fit in and be liked. Waters is also showing the inside of what can happen to us when we get caught up with what we feel society wants to see. Society want to see the normal people that do what is expected a popular person like dressing nice but treating other people like they are no one. Society cares more about being cool and being liked for something you not. Waters was caught putting this in the movie “There are two kinds of evil people in this world. Those who do evil stuff and those who see evil stuff being done and don’t try to stop it.” ( Waters). This is eye opener of what is going on in this movie is all around unexpectable. Their is no way high school students should be in charge of the high school and have that much influence on how someone feels about someone. Walters shows the audience how society sees high school as and then in turn changes all the children's minds on how high school is. Waters points at the protagonists Regina George through the whole movie. Regina is the top of the plastics and she makes sure to hurt everyones feeling and if she does not then …show more content…

Ludy would answer the question as a maybe because at one point he does state in his article that he feels that if it is absolutely morally wrong then one should not have to do it. Waters would show that in his movie it started where people wanted to conform but at the end everyone just wanted to be themselves and they started to make their own decisions and not just go off of one person. Milgram's would be a hundred percent on board with no one should have to go against their morals to do what they are told. Zimbardo would also state that he feels that if it goes against your morals you should not have to do what authority tells you to do. They can all agree that when something is going on and is against your morals then it should not be done. But another questions that popped up during this research would be what would be the consequence of authority telling the person to do something that was morally wrong even if the person does not end up doing what they are told.The question was answered and all of them feel that if someone asks you to do something that is against your morals then you should not have to do it. But this however does not answer all the questions like What are the consequence of authority telling you to do something that is not