Socioeconomic Status

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Socioeconomic status of the people is determined by a set of factors such as educational achievement, occupation and income. Success to achieve those factors will put the people automatically on the top of the socioeconomic rank. No doubt, this will motivate the people to do whatever is necessary to achieve their own goals and to reach the top of that rank. Unfortunately, as it looks pretty creating a competitive market, and moving the society as a whole forward, it looks ugly also in extreme situations, it creates many downfalls. American success should be evaluated through, not just recognizing its promises only, but also understanding deeply and addressing the whole picture of its downfalls such as breaking the family bonds, increasing …show more content…

it creates hatred, injustice and hostility among the people pushing the whole society to the boiling point. This one percent is very difficult to be eliminated but can be regulated and to be a hope and a source of prosperity for the whole society. John Dicker in his essay, "The United States of Wal-Mart", gives us an example, the founder of Wal-Mart, Sam Walton, of just one member of the one percent and how he was successful to abuse and manipulate the whole …show more content…

Depending on the neuro-enhancing drugs is just simply a result of improper management of the time, otherwise we all will be drug dependent. if we are able to mange our time properly, we can handle any situation without involving in any types of drug addiction or whatever. Islamic civilization was a cornerstone for the modern Western civilization according to many unbiased historians regardless if many are denying this fact. The world had been led for centuries and Europe had been taken out of the dark age by Islamic civilization without involving in any type of addiction because the time was managed properly, and the religion itself gave the people a space to live in moderation as well as a space for imagination and

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