Sociological Theories Of Family Analysis

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There are three main sociological theories these are functualist theory, conflict theory and symbolic interactionalist theory, Sociological theories help by explaining and predicting the social world that we live in. (laulima.hawaii.) There are also two main perspectives in sociology these are micro-sociological perspectives and macro-sociological perspectives. Each perspective offers a variety of explanations about the social world and human behaviour. Functionalism is when society works together to help promote stability and solidarity, society is like a human body that must work together to function smoothly. ( Functionalists believe family is extremely important and must meet four main family functions, these functions are …show more content…

This perspective was developed by Herbert George Mead in the 20th century he believed without symbols there would be no human interaction and no human society. Mead believed that social interactions helped individuals develop one’s self, it would also help interactions and communications with others by interpreting language, status and actions. ( Sociologists use Symbolic interactionalist theory to understand how each family creates their own meanings and traditions. ( For example a positive effect would be the tradition of a family holiday which occurs every year within the family home; this can bring a family together and create happy memories while enjoying cultures from around the world, helping members to relax from busy schedules, school or work overload, positive health benefits, however the family holiday can have a negative impact on family for example they will struggle financially, paying for family holiday, financing the holiday, spending money, clothing for all member of the family and trying to provide everyone with new life experiences, expectation gets higher every year of what is expected this adds pressure and stress which creates a negative impact so as you can see family holidays have both positive and negative