Sociological Theory Of Globalization

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As established in the previous paper, globalization has a major impact on the individuals and society as a whole. It reshapes social structures and significantly alters the social experiences of the people. Social phenomena such as intersocietal as well as intrasocietal inequality and conflict are associated with the increased connectivity of the world. Such social realities spark the interest of sociologists across the globe, as they study the relationship between individuals and societies. To facilitate their endeavors, sociologists utilize sociological theories that study society on the micro- and macro level. In the following, I will use the conflict theory, which operates on the macro-level, as well as the symbolic interactionist theory, which focuses on the micro-scale of society, to explain the influence of globalization and the associated phenomena of inequality and conflict on the individual and society. The conflict theory approaches society on the macro-level. It was established by Karl Marx, who believed that social conflict stands at the center of sociocultural realities. His evolutionary theory came to be known as one of the most significant early contributions to sociology. Marx emphasizes the idea that “society is based on the struggle for scarce resources” (Module 1, 2015) and asserts that inequality and unequal conditions set forth forces that may end in conflict, which in turn contributes to change. Thus, the competition for resources and