Marx And Weber's Theories On Social Change

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In this essay I will compare and contrast Marx and Weber’s theories on social change and the rise of modern capitalism. Firstly I will provide a brief outline of Marx’s theories relating to social change and capitalism. I will then briefly outline Weber’s theories on social change and the rise of modern capitalism. Finally I will give my own critique of the theories outlining which one I prefer and the reasons for my choice.
Although they actually share some similarities, Weber’s analysis of class, change, capitalism and history differ radically from the views by Marx. Marx believed in capitalism and class conflict whereas Weber believed in rationalisation and bureaucracy. Both Marx and Weber agreed that there was many problems within modern society. Marx had an optimistic view about the future of society and he was confident that his theory would improve the lives of those in society. Weber however took more of a pessimistic view arguing that society is characterised by the process of rationalisation. Marx sees change through capitalism and conflict and Weber sees change through rationalisation and bureaucracy. Both have differing views about social change and the outcome of such change. Marx’s views are much more optimistic than Weber’s idealistic pessimistic views.
Karl Marx
Marx’s theory of social change is entwined with his idea of social classes and class conflicts. Marx believed that the class struggle forced social change. Marx’s theory is based on a class system