Socrates In The Apology

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The Apology is the regretful acknowledgment of a failure to follow the norms, but the in the Five dialogue it is a record of the formal speech to the jury of Socrates brought in his personal justification at the trial written by Plato. The Apology is the third part which explains the life of the Socrates, who he is, and what he did to find the wisest person in the Athens. The first part of the five dialogue is the main speech by the counter-assessment, and finally, last words to the jury, both to those who voted for the death sentence. Socrates is the wise philosopher who was brought in the courtroom due to some violation as thought by the people and the Meletus. Meletus was the accuser who had claimed two things on him. Throughout, the year there were many accusers who were old and young who did not like the Socrates process of behaving in the society or trying to annoy the people of Athens. He was more fearing to the older than the recent accusers. So Socrates in the apology he is trying to …show more content…

In spite of the fact that it is illogical to state that Socrates simply ruins the youth. This concludes every other person helps the adolescent. Who might deliberately corrupt the youth? In the course of this examination Socrates presents three arguments apparently leading to the conclusions that the one improves and the many corrupt, that he either does not corrupt the youth at all or, is he does, he does not do so deliberately, and that he believes in the existence of divinities and hence is not altogether an atheist. (Calef, Scott W. "Does Apology 24C-25C Contain an Argument That Socrates Is Innocent?" History of Philosophy Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 4, 1993, pp. 293–304). Also, no normal individual willfully hurts himself. Be that as it may, on the off chance that he corrupt the youth automatically, then he ought to be told instructed, not