Socrates Quilts

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In my art I added many photos and details that pertain to the definition of a good life. Since there is various components to it such as living an examined or non examined life as explained by Socrates in the reading. Having time to evaluate our life is a piece of our quilt which may vary person to person. Ultimately every person 's quilt will be different but as a whole they will all be beautiful with their own meaning. In one of the reading it explained the good life through Hellen Keller, Gandhi, Martin Luther King jr. And others. Their quilt is definitely pertains to their idea of the good life but, is quite different from one another showing as proof that everyone 's motivations and goals are different. This is not necessarily a bad thing but does make the subject more complex and completed which therefore cannot be put in words. …show more content…

This allows us to seek answers to try to define a certain complex matter. The humanities is the usual to try to understand these intangible answers. (Coleman 2010). In my picture I added a picture of a homeless man that I took in San Francisco in which it made me realize that money is not the only necessity to be happy. Although asking for money the man seemed to care for his dog, have a smile on his face, and say “God bless you” to us. Other disciplines seek to answer why we act a certain way or try to tell us what worked in history and what did not for example the social sciences(Hoover and Donovan 2010). In my art I integrated this by putting the image of the Golden Gate Bridge that I took in my junior year of high school when I went up northern California; this experience reminded me of a book I read “A Different Mirror” by Takaki which explained how many Chinese migrants landed in San Francisco and were treated badly. Social Science shows us that this is not and way to respond in the future. Happiness & the good life are more complex than just having my family by my