Soft Engineering Pros And Cons

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Soft Engineering Soft engineering techniques deploy the use of more natural measures utilising sustainable ecological principles to improve the resistance of coastland areas to erosion and flooding. This is achieved through utilising vegetation (mangroves) and other natural systems like dunes and beaches which absorb and eventually adapt to becoming more accommodative of the impacts felt via wave action, resulting in little or no destruction (or more stable conditions) at the land- water interface/boundary (Geography LWC, 2015). Some advantages (pros) of soft engineering coastal management practices are that they are generally less expensive as opposed to hard engineering measures; they’re more attractive since they blend in with the natural environment; and they provide more long term-sustainable solutions without disrupting natural processes and ecosystems. Its disadvantages/ cons however is that there is a lower likelihood of resistance to severe storms with the exception of some soft engineering techniques like the planting of mangroves; there is need for frequent monitoring and maintenance in some cases; it may be a time consuming process before these natural systems can effectively provide optimum resistance (for instance-the time taken for afforestation or for the growing/ replanting of mangroves) and lastly, there is a periodic …show more content…

Beach nourishment can be a lengthy and expensive process and is usually undertaken during the summer which may cause accessibility problems to beach users during this time period since it requires the constant addition of sediments. (FSC, 2015) Pros 1. Regular beach nourishment leads to an overall better quality beach which gives rise to an increase in beach