Soft Tissue Injury

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Imagine some kids, watching TV awaiting for their parents to arrive home from work. Their babysitter is cutting slices of fruit so they can eat together. All of a sudden a cry is heard from the kitchen. The knife clattered on the floor just missing the sitter 's toes and there is traces of blood in the room. The kids look at their babysitter wondering what to do with her bleeding tip of the index finger just barely attaching to the finger. How would the person deal with the situation? Just the sight of blood made the kids think it was an emergency. This is known as wound, a soft tissue injury, and there are many different types and ways to deal with the situation.

An Injury to soft tissue is called a soft tissue wound and can cause bleeding …show more content…

Major open wounds should have bleeding controlled first, the victim 's bodily condition checked, care for shock that may occur, and let the person rest. Hands should be washed after giving care. A minor open wound should have sterile dressing placed on the injury and have pressure applied to it. Then the injury should be cleaned for five minutes and dressing should cover the wound. On the other hand minor closed wounds should have cold applied to the injury in intervals of twenty minutes, but not directly to the skin, to decline the pain and swelling. Elevation is not recommended to use in a closed wound unless it reduces swelling and does not cause more pain. All closed injuries are not always minor there are cases where it can pose even greater pain. Major closed should have EMS called if the person signals shock, vomits or coughs blood, the force could have caused significant harm, the extremity discolors to blue or excessively pale, abdomen of the victim is puffed out or fragile, and/or the person displays signs of shock or becomes dazed, baffled, or …show more content…

An impaled object is an example of a puncture wound. if this event ensues the object should not be removed from the body, or even more blood will leak out of the body. As treatment, several sterile dressings should be placed so the object will not move. Then dressings should be bandaged around the object. Another occurrence that can happen is a detached body part. When an event such as a detached body part happens EMS should be called and blood should be controlled. If the missing detached body part can be found it should be wrapped in a sealed plastic bag filled with water and ice. the part should be taken to the hospital with the victim, where the doctors have a chance to reattach

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