Definition Of Leadership

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Leadership following your own rules. Having leadership is a good thing . Leadership prepares you for taking the lead in things or decisions. Leadership helps you stand up for anything you have an opinion on. Being a leader is a good reputation for you and how you go about things.. Leadership is when you want to be the leader of something or control but not be the boss. Being known for being a leader is a good look for you it shows that you like to speak upon things you agree or disagree with. According to the article I looked up on the internet, ( 5 ways to define leadership). There are five ways to define leadership. Trust- means the understanding of others or the understanding of something. Actions- means to act on what you are talking …show more content…

As in my second paragraph i talked about. But Sojourner truth was born in New york in 1997 . she fell in love with a slave named robert in 1815 , she had two daughters. Sojourner truth early years of freedom were marked by several strange hardships, in 1829 truth moved her and her son peter to new york city where she worked as a housekeeper for christian evangelist Elijah Pierson. On june 1 1843 isabella baumfree changed her name to sojourner truth devoting her life to methodism and the abolition of slavery. In 1844 she joined the northampton association of education and industry in Northampton massachusetts. Founed by abloitions, th eorganistixwtion supported board reforem agenda including women's rights and pacifism. The member in that group lived together 500 acre as a self sufficient community. Tuth met member leading analyst at northampton , including William Lloyd Garrison, frederick douglass and david ruggles. Also in 1846 sojourn truths career was an activist and reformer was just beginning . In 1850 her memoirs were published under the title The Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern slave. In mAy of 1851 Truth delivered a speech in Ohio at the Woman’s Rights Convention in Akron. After she delivered her speech truth continued to tour ohio from 1851 to 1853 working closely with robinson to publicize the anti slavery movement in the state. Sojourner truth soon died at her home in Battle creek, Michigan, on November 26 1883. Truth is now buried alongside her family at battle creek Oak Hill