Soldier Idiots Dog That Saved His Life Analysis

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“These dogs, are just like our brothers… and we owe it to them,” says Staff SGT. Julian McDonald from his video entitled “Soldier Adopts Dog that Saved His Life.” Like Julian explained, most dogs are not vicious, ignorant animals that are senseless to the people around them. They are so, so much more. Not only do they love you like they are your own child, but they protect you like a guardian angel, even if it puts their life at risk. Knowing this, it’s safe to say that dogs play a huge role in all of our lives. Don’t agree? If so, that’s about to change. First and foremost, you should know that dogs aren’t always just our playful pets. Every day, dogs put their lives on the line for our safety. In the article “The Dogs of War”, the author …show more content…

Since this counter argument is so weak compared to the opposite side, it won’t take me long to put the final nail in the coffin. In the video “Soldier Adopts Dog that Saved His Life”, Julian states loud and crisp, “They’re not scary, they’ve done scary things but they deserve homes and they deserve good homes.” Those scary things that Julian mentions represents when dogs attack threats to our safety, by command, like terrorists as explained thoroughly in the article “Dogs vs. Terrorists”. We don’t want suicidal terrorists hiding within populated areas, and without dogs, there would be no force advanced enough to locate the bombs before they go off those evil people. In fact, “The Dogs of War” lets readers know that “A dog’s nose is 10,000 times more sensitive to smells than your nose is” and “bomb-sniffing dogs have saved the lives of many soldiers”. Dogs may have their flaws at times, but so do we! Dogs are like children; they learn from their mistakes just as we do. Besides, dogs save our butts all the time. How could anyone take that credit away from