Somatic Pain Vs Visceral Pain

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4) Compare and contrast somatic and visceral pain. (5 points)
5) Visceral Pain: Visceral pain is pain that is in the internal organs and heart muscle.6 However, not all viscera is sensitive to pain such as liver, lung, and kidney parenchyma.6, 8 This is most likely due to the fact visceral organs are innervated by receptors that do not reach consciousness.8 While this type of pain is poorly localized, visceral pain corresponds to a dermatomal pattern.6 Poor localization of visceral pain is thought to be a result of the few sensory afferent compared to somatic.8 This pain is also associated with an autonomic nervous system response which could result in a change of vital signs, unexplained sweating and skin pallor.6
Somatic Pain: Deep somatic …show more content…

(10 points)
1. Referred pain to the shoulder and low back: the lesion site could be due to diaphragmatic irritation.6
The diaphragm is innervated by the phrenic nerve C3, C4, and C5, therefore referred pain could present in the corresponding dermatomes, such as shoulder pain would come from C4 and …show more content…

The pancreas can result in pain in the back that is directly behind the pancreas usually at spinal levels

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