
Some Of The Following Examples That Drastically Changed Antigone And Creon

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The moral of “submission to the gods” and obedience, in general, can be seen in both these following examples that drastically changed Antigone and Creon’s life. Antigone was sentenced to death by Creon for burying her brother, Polyneices, who Creon declared was a traitor thus should not be buried. Not only does Antigone have the urge to bury him because he is her brother but also because it is what the gods declare as right and moral. Creon refused to directly kill her so he sent her away to die of natural causes. Soon, after a visit from the prophet, Tiresias, Creon realizes the wrong he has done and tries to fix it, but he is too late. Creon reaches where Antigone was sent and sees that she had hung herself. Haemon was there, looking

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