Son Of Man Analysis

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An aspect of great importance related to the expression the Son of Man is related to the humanity of our Lord. It was like a man that Christ was born, lived on this earth, died, was resurrected and was exalted at the right hand of God. It must never be forgotten that Jesus is a true man without sin. Incarnation is derived from two words that mean “in carne, in flesh.” God came into the world in human form. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God incarnate, deity clothed in humanity. The title Son of Man speaks to us in particular about the incarnation of Jesus and his mission as representative of the humanity. Son of Man is a messianic title of the prophecies of the Old Testament. By what fact or miracle did the Son of …show more content…

The reference is not to "the Son-of-man,” that is, to any human being, but to a particular being who is at the same time the Son of Man and "the Son of the living God" (Matt. 16:16). The fundamental point of the discussion is the fact that some liberal theologians refuse to acknowledge that Jesus interpreted many passages of the Old Testament. A reading of the Gospels reveals that Jesus constantly cite the Old Testament, sometimes to refute the false teachings of the religious of his time, sometimes to explain some truth about his person. Jesus became a man to connect God and the Mankind. Sin had opened an impossible gap to cross between a holy God and a corrupt and rebellious mankind. But God's love found a way to bridge over the abyss, and bring man back to God. Jesus, he became the mediator of a new covenant, or agreement, between God and the human beings. Paul wrote: "For there is one God; there is also one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave himself a ransom for all…" (1 Timothy 2: 5-6). He is our mediator before God. His death covers all our debts of sin, and in him we are free from the sin and guilt that separated us of God. His cross extends like a bridge over the abyss. He gives us a new nature, which is his nature. By appropriating our human …show more content…

Its roots in the Old Testament can show us versatility and complete meanings. Furthermore, this title elevates mortal humans to a glorious promise to be with the Father. Therefore, who is the 'Son of man? There is no doubt that it is Jesus Christ who conquered evil and who is now in Heaven exercising his power over all the nations of his universal kingdom: 'With this, the Lord Jesus, after speaking to them, was elevated to Heaven and He sat at the right hand of God '(Mark 16:19). Therefore, when Jesus returned to heaven, he did not discard his humanity. Jesus is not only the Son of God, he is still the Son of Man. As Son of Man, God has commanded him to judge the world with