
Song Of Solomon Allegory

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The Bible is saturated with knowledge and we are able to understand what it means. We have a duty to study the Bible in its entirety, meaning we have no right to leave nothing out in our studies of the Bible. As we dive into the prosperous word of God we should approach it with an open heart and an eagerness to learn all we can from it. The Old testament is treated like Revelation at times. We feel as if it’s not needed to study those books of the Bible in our lives. I challenge you to understand the new Testament without reading the old. The hardness will become apparent when you try to do so. Song of Solomon falls into this category with what I spoke earlier about not needing to study that book. As I stated, we have a command to study the …show more content…

The five interpretations and what they mean according to WVBS notes are, “Allegorical: This interpretation considers the Song of Solomon to be an extended metaphor, using the format of a relationship between two who serve as a teaching device. Thus, those who adopt the allegorical position consider the Song of Solomon to be about God’s dealing with Israel or is prophetic and refers to Christ’s relationship with the church.
While the Bible does contain some allegories (cf. Gal. 4:24), there are several reasons to reject this position: 1. It strains the text. The book is much too graphic sexually to assume that it depicts Christ’s and the church’s relationship. Even though Eph. 5:23ff talks about “the bride of Christ” this book is simply too much on the graphic side to mean this. 2. It is alluded to nowhere in the New Testament, let alone applied to the church. It just seems logical if it was talking about this then one inspired writer would have so applied it. 3. Works that are allegorical usually give some indication or hint that they are allegories (cf. G. Lloyd Carr, The Song of Solomon, IVP, p. 9 23). The Song of Solomon gives no indication that an allegory is being made.” I have found this to be one of the most common interpretations that is viewed as the correct on in the brother-hood. They say this because the words “like” or “as” are frequently used in …show more content…

Few commentators adopted this position until Delitzsch suggested it as a logical interpretation of the book. Since this time other writers have adopted this view. Basically, this view looks at the Song of Solomon as a writing intended to be acted and/or sung. Generally, for a writing to be viewed as a drama, it must have the following elements: (1) Has definite beginning, middle and end; (2) Has logical progression to the story; (3) Clearly develops a theme and/or characters; and (4) Provides technical information for the director, such as who is speaking and various stage directions. There are several weaknesses in this view: 1. The text of the Song of Solomon must be radically changed to fit the criteria of a drama. “Considerable experience in theatrical productions and direction has persuaded me that the Song, as it now stands, is unactable. It 10 would be virtually impossible to stage effectively without major rewriting, and it lacks the dramatic impact to hold an audience” (Carr, The Song of Solomon, IVP, p. 34). 2. The style of drama is unknown to Hebrew literature.” I have heard many brothers of the Lord’s church hold to this interpretation as true. My beliefs do not follow this

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