Spanish American War Research Paper

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Spanish-American War The Spanish-American war of 1998 was a huge beginning for the many people, all because America empathized and had a lot of sympathy towards the people of Cuba, who were under the colonial rule of spain. America reacted to this, most likely because it reminded them of the time they were under the colonial rule of Britain, they both just wanted to be liberated from those rulers. Certain precipitating things happened, pushing America and its people to declare war against the spanish, leaving an aftermath that would affect the world for better or for worse. The people of America were a huge part of the decision to declare war on Spain, their opinions, ideas, and emotions were all playing factors to this war. The citizens …show more content…

Most people found out through the headlines and topics of newspapers that were printed daily for the people and found that they could understand them in their fight for their freedom. Another cause that helped fuel this war was thanks to yellow journalism in newspapers, it caused many people to feel anger and hatred for spain, making Americans more thirsty for war. People making newspapers realised that all these made up stories helped make them more money, all of the fabricated, lies, and over-exaggerated headlines and stories could bring them more profit, thus initiating the start of Yellow Journalism to an extreme extent. Some of the main people that practiced Yellow Journalism was Joseph Pullitzer and William R. Hearst. These two men were enmeshed in a vicious public war. The competitiveness was so intense that it is said that Hearst took Pullitzers most well-liked writers, although it is said they went to Hearst because of the promise for money. Both of these men were willing to go so far as to make up stories just so they could beat the others stories, another tactic was to draw attention to …show more content…

America had won and received Puerto Rico, as well as the pacific island of Guam. These were secured quite easily, although they were a force to be reckoned with, considering they had problems of their own there. Of course, America also got the Philippines and all the people there. It was a tough decision for the president because he didn't want to leave them them in the hands of the unfair Spanish. He also didn't want them to be alone because they could get taken over by another country, one with similar rule to the Spanish. President McKinley made the tough decision of buying the Philippines for twenty million. The decision of buying the Philippines created a new era for America. It was a new time, America had never owned so much land and foreign people so far away. Thus creating a problem, what do we do with all these new foreign people that we own? They were going to convert them and make good use of