Key Colonial Strategies Of The Dutch, And The Spanish

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I decided to do this week forum on forum question one. Above I highlighted key colonial Strategies that the Dutch, French, and the Spanish used when they reached the new world, a common motivation for each of the countries was to further boost their economy. In order to do this each one had to form relations with the Native Americans. These relations were key to the success of the Europeans Strategies. Each nation even with common goals used different tactics.

Dutch colonial Strategies –
- Dutch merchants created fur-trading colonies.
- Establish profit by trading with the local natives
Unlike the other European nations the Dutch did not punctuate on religion when dealing with Native Americans what motivated the Dutch was purely economic at this time the Dutch had already been a powerhouse economy in Europe and only furthered …show more content…

Unlike the French and the Dutch, the Spanish had seized the Indians’ lands, converted many Indians to Catholicism, and forced them to mine gold and farm large estates. What I find most intriguing though was the common practice of Spanish males marrying Native Americans females which the French and the Dutch did not practice in (this is also due to many Europeans believing that the Native Americans were beneath them)

French colonial Strategies
- French merchants created fur-trading colonies
- Establish and conform religious communities that practiced Christianity
- Establish profit by trading with the local natives

The French while late comers to the New World had made two major impacts the French exploited existing inter-tribal alliances and rivalries to establish trade relationships with the Huron, Montagnais, and Algonquin’s along the St. Lawrence River and further inland toward the Great Lakes (Holmes). The French also introduced countless diseases that affected the Native