Elementary School Summary

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Ms. Smith, a teacher from from Sample Elementary School, has been teaching elementary education for ten years and teaching the fourth grade at her current school for four years. In Smith’s opinion, Sample School has a special education program that is compliant and effective. Each year she has students with both Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and 504 plans. During an interview with Smith, she explains the process students must go through prior to being evaluated for special education. In addition, she lists the resources Sample School provides for her students with exceptional needs. Furthermore, Smith describes how she utilizes those resources in order to create an effective learning environment for her students. Finally, she recounts …show more content…

According to Smith, there are several different types of resources available for students with exceptionalities. Throughout her time teaching at Sample School, Smith has had classrooms with enhanced staffing, assistive technologies, and both push in and pull out services. Additionally, the school provides resource rooms, speech and language, OT and PT, and social skills and counseling for students. While Sample School offers both pull out and push in services, all academic services are pull out, in which students leave the general education classroom. This year Smith’s class consists of 22 students, 6 of which have an IEP or 504 plan, and one student in the process of being evaluated. Throughout the day, several of the students with exceptionalities exit the classroom to work with special education teachers. In addition, one of her students uses assistive technology, specifically an Ipad with targeted learning apps, to assist him in the general education …show more content…

Using the objectives and strategies listed in the IEP and the 504 plans helps her to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for all of her students. In addition, Smith promotes a responsive classroom technique. Her students participate in daily class meetings, in which they debrief the “highs and lows” of their day. Furthermore, each week her students participate in scripted social and emotional learning lessons called, “Second Step Lessons.” These lessons teach students to focus on empathy, impulse control, and conflict resolution. The activities practiced in Smith’s classroom stem from collaboration sessions with fellow teachers at Sample