Principles Of Special Education

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“Special Educational Needs” is defined as a restriction in the capacity of the person to participate in and benefit from education on account of an enduring physical, sensory, mental health or learning disability or any other condition which results in a person learning differently from a person without that condition... (Government of Ireland, 2004b, section 1)
Aims and principles of Special Education The aims of education for students with special educational needs include
(a) enabling the student to live a full life and to realize his or her full potential as a unique individual through access to an appropriate broad and balanced curriculum;
(b) enabling the student to function as independently as possible in society through the provision …show more content…

(United Nations, 2006) INCLUSIVE EDUCATION
Much of the research into supporting children with SEN in Europe centers on the concept of inclusive education – defined by Booth (2000) as ‘the process of increasing participation and decreasing exclusion from the culture, curriculum and community of mainstream schools.
These fall into following four areas.

1. Cognition and learning
2. Behavioural, Emotional and Social Development
3. Communication and …show more content…

Many will need specialistsupport (for example mobility trainingor physiotherapy).Children with sensory impairments mayneed particular acoustic or lightingconditions. Some may need extra spaceand additional ‘clues’ to help themnegotiate their environmentindependently.Children with physical disabilities mayuse mobility aids, wheelchairs, orstanding frames, which can be bulkyand require storage. Whether they areable to move around independently orneed support, there should be sufficientspace for them to travel alongsidetheir friends. Accessible personal carefacilities should be conveniently sited.Health and personal care needsPupils with a range of medical needsmay count as disabled under the DDAand may or may not have accompanyingspecial educational needs. Theymay need facilities where their medicalor personal care needs can be metin