
The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech In Schools

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Free speech is like the bowl of candy on your teachers desk from when you were a kid. Everyone would end up getting a piece in the end but there was always that one kid who stole a piece. Free speech has had a lot of challenges it the past and has changed since the original writing of the Bill of Rights.

Free speak in school didn’t just recently become a problem. One of the first free speech issues in a school was back in 1965 in Des Moines. This was when some students wore black wristbands to protest the Vietnam War and were asked to remove the wristbands. Four students refused to do as they were asked and were suspended. The were told they were allowed to return to school when they removed the wristbands. The returned without the after Christmas break …show more content…

Des Moines case has been used in many school free speech court cases. The First Amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This allows Americans to believe whatever they want and protects the during peaceful gatherings to speech about politics.

Although schools have evolved a lot since when the Bill of writes was written; something that is similar is the students that go through the school. Children will always be children and some will push the envelope more than others. An example of this is the Morse v. Frederick case. This case all started when Joseph Frederick and some of his friends held up a banner at a school-supervised event to see the Olympic torch passed through their town. The banner read ‘Bong Hits 4 Jesus” and was largely written on a fourteen foot banner. The Principle, Deborah Morse, preceded to ask the students to take down the banner because it was against one of their school policies. That

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