Speech On Ambition And Ambition

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Life is not about being born, go to school get a degree, amass wealth, get married, raise a family and die to be buried. There is more to life than just this process. Like Jeremiah, God told him that before you were formed, I knew you and before you came out of your mother’s womb, I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet. This supports the fact that, before you were born, a work has already been assigned to your name. To put it this way, every human embryo has a work assigned to it, to accomplish on earth so it doesn’t matter how the human embryo was formed or who carries it. The conception is the beginning of the fulfillment of purpose, so human abortion goes beyond just the killing of an embryo, but a termination of God’s purpose. The …show more content…

The major difference between ambition and purpose is the fact that ambitions are achieved while purpose is fulfilled. Ambition is ‘Me’ centered ‘I have been able to achieve this for me’ they are selfish, they satisfy your ego and pride. Ambitions are achieved because you want something and sometimes even if it means trampling over others just to satisfy your ego. Most times people are confused about ambition and purpose, they might be superficially similar, but fundamentally different. They both bring happiness, achieving your ambitions will bring you satisfaction. I define satisfaction as ‘a temporal happiness of an achievement but not sure if that’s all there is to your life’. Purpose brings you fulfillment, and fulfillment is defined as knowing without a shadow of doubt that you have done what you were born to do. As Paul, the Apostle said in 2Timothy chapter 4 verse 6-7 (6: For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand 7: I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith) All Paul was saying was that he was ready to die, because he had accomplished what he was born to do, and this is fulfillment after accomplishing your