Freedom Of Speech Should Be Protected

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Freedom of speech is the concept of the human right to voice one 's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. Today, freedom of speech is not just limited to public speaking. The internet and social media applications are becoming more frequently used platforms for people who want to convey their views on issues. Due to the huge amount of information being shared online daily, many tend to use the internet and social media to obtain easy access to this unlimited information. However, some might not have the knowledge to differ wrong from right on screen without censorship or any type of online data filter. In addition, false, hateful and offensive material may be posted online and spread quickly to the large unsuspecting population. In this aspect, I strongly agree for the need for protection of freedom of speech.

In a recent survey by Zogby Interactive, it is discovered that 37% of news consumers find the internet more reliable than any other news source despite the fact that online information might be from unreliable sources, which more often than not, are biased and prejudiced. If not for a country’s online security, unsuspecting citizens who do not have the knowledge to differ fact from fiction will absorb what they see on the internet, generally resulting in them having extremist …show more content…

Vast amounts of information is being spread around the world through social media today regardless of reliability. Without the government’s regulation, false ideas will be even more outspread. It is only through protection that we can try to block out offensive or misleading data. However, my only counter argument would be that we should educate ourselves well on whether something should be deemed as free or hate speech instead of constantly relying on the government to protect us. But to be on the safest side, both education and protection on freedom of speech should complement one