Speeching Speech: A Speech For Thanks To God

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Let me say a warm welcome to all of you who are my guests today including my family members. I must say that your presence on this my Graduation Day makes the occasion very special.
We are all gathered here to give thanks to God for this is His doing and it’s marvelous in our eyes.
Before I make few remarks concerning my journey this far, allow me to thank most sincerely the Almighty God for this far I can say like Samuel in 1 Samuel :12, “Ebenezer; Thus far the LORD Has Helped Me.". He has been with me in thick and thin and it’s due to his grace and love I am who I am today. Secondly, I want to also thank my parents Mr. and Mrs. Maina for your support and contribution in my journey of academic life. You have used your resources to educate me and I am indebted of your love and support. To my brothers and sisters some in absentia, your moral and material support cannot go unnoticed. To my friends and collogues at work your love is great you have been there for me and especially encouraging me not to give up. And to everyone who has prayed for me knowingly or unknowingly, morally supported me, and financially supported me. To all of you I say a Big Thank You! And may God richly reward and repay you. Be assured that I will always cherish your prayers and support and my prayer is that I will never put you to shame.
Friends; this day marks a major step in the journey of my life, one that should have not escaped its recognition and celebration because of its immense