Spiritual Immigrant Research Paper

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An aspirant as he makes progress in his spiritual path begins to experience varieties of spiritual experiences. The seeker who has established himself in purity, self control and concentration of mind can perceive the experiences which are beyond the explanation by five senses; mind and intellect are known as mystical or spiritual experiences.

Spiritual experiences and visions are the faint glimpses of supreme consciousness. The visions or experiences serves as milestones of progress on the path of spirituality. There are certain signs by which an aspirant's progress in spiritual path can be ascertained they are:

Mystical experiences:

The seeker can sense or experience the subtle essence of earth, air, fire, water and ether by his five senses. He can enjoy heavenly fragrances, flavor, sound and touch by concentrating on his …show more content…

Consequences of false or pseudo spiritual experiences:

False spiritual experiences have a tendency to cause pride and ego in the seeker. The enhanced psychic abilities, healing power and elevated consciousness, filled the seeker with the sense of elevated self- achievement and self -fulfillment. The false or pseudo spiritual experiences as the result of manipulation of the dreams, thoughts and emotions of the seeker, these experiences misguide him on the real path of spirituality. Repeated dreams of perverted sexuality, rape, fear, hate, anger and enmity are the symptoms of pseudo-spiritual experiences induces by subtle entities. The seeker may fall in the false or pseudo perception of elevated consciousness, enlightenment and blessings of the desired deity's grace. These self-satisfaction feelings do not indicate any spiritual progress. In the long term the false spiritual experiences induce the feeling of delusion, distress, guilt and psychosis in the seeker. Misgivings and feelings of frustration often sway his