Sports Communication Rhetorical Analysis

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When I first signed up for sports communications the last thing I thought I’d be doing was not only meeting people like Mike Breen, Jim O’Connell, Steven Sheer, and Joe Yanarell, but speaking to them on a first hand basis and getting to know about their line of work. Each and every speaker not only told us about their line of work but told us about their stories on how they got to where they are and why try fell in love with what they do along the way. The three speakers that stood out to me the most were Mike Breen, Jim O’Connell, and Steven Sheer, but I would like to quote Joe Yanarell on a couple statements that seem to fit into each and every one of these men’s stories. First off, Mr. Yanarell said “you are going to fail and learn from it.” This quote goes a long way …show more content…

The OC wasn’t a man of many words but when he did speak, I knew I wantd to hear what he had to say. Mr. O’Connell shared a story with us about how important it is to always be prepared and to always do you research. He said that a lot of the time you may never need the information you gathered up, but there will be that one chance that the information saved you and for Mr. O’Connell this occurred early in his career when he simply took the time to see that it was Shaquille O’Neal’s birthday. He says because he simply took the time to do his research and gather this information, this little act went a long way because on a night that Shaq was all people could speak about and every member of the press wanted to speak to him, Mr. O’Connell was the first person Shaq spoke to because a few years earlier Mr. O’Connell remembered to wish Shaq a happy birthday and from this small act established a relationship with the young man who would go on to do many great things for basketball. College basketball wouldn’t be what it is today if it wasn’t for players like this and producers like Steve