Sports Injury Research Paper

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While you rarely see sports injuries contributing to a fatality, the leading cause of death in sports injuries relates to brain injury. Approximately 21 percent of the TBI in American adolescents relates to sports injuries. Concussions can occur from a direct blow to the face, head or neck. It does not matter as long as the force transmits itself to the head. The signs and symptoms of a head injury can change over the course of minute or hours. In a single year, horse riding contributed to 14,466 head injuries. For that reason, it can be useful to take precautionary measures to reduce the risk of TBIs related to horse riding.

In TBIs, they account for 60 percent of the horse riding deaths. However, what is alarming about this is that they only account for 18 percent of the injuries. That means that the fatality rate for this injury is much higher than some of the others. As a result of a brain injury, people can suffer more than death. For example, they may have memory impairment, personality changes and intellectual changes. …show more content…

That becomes alarming because you can reduce the risk of suffering a TBI if you wear a helmet. If you are thrown or fall while on a horse or kicked, you want to protect your head. When it comes to horse riding injuries, the legs, arms and head have the most frequent injuries. If you ride English style, keep in mind that this is the most dangerous style of horseback riding. To prevent injury while horseback riding, always helmets intended for the sport. These helmets will meet ASTM standards, and they will often be SEI certified. Children who are horseback riding should be supervised at all