Spread Of Buddhism Essay

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Many people have questions about buddhism. There is probably a lot you don’t know about or maybe you do know about. I’m going to tell you about what has happened to buddhism from the time it started to how it developed. What happened during the time teachings and learnings spread. Buddhism is now a modern religion, according to dictionary.com buddhism is “a religion originated in India by Buddha(Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia; holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject.” (Dictionary.com 2016)
“Buddhism started with a guy named siddhartha gautama, siddhartha gautama was born in the 6th century (B.C) in what is now called modern nepal”(Buddhist Studies 2016). “Suddhodana was the ruler of the sakya people and siddhartha was a prince”(Buddhist Studies 2016). Siddhartha was madly in love with a girl named …show more content…

In Modern Day there are about 400 - 550 million people who follow the religion of Buddhism. Buddhism spread all over the world. However, it mostly stayed in the ancient lands of the Theravada Buddhism. Takes place in Sri Lanka and the four other countries next to it which are, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. “Buddhism is still hanging on in the lands of the the Mahayana Region”. (History of Buddhism 2016) “China, Tibet, and Mongolia have been suffering because of the communist do not believe in any god.” (History of Buddhism 2016) A big part of japan is still learning and accepting the learnings of different types of buddhism. During the 1900’s Buddhism began to spread to New Regions of the world. For Example, “There is now a very small minority of buddhist of the united states and in New England” (History of Buddhism

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