
Spring By Edna Millay Personification

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The smell of fresh air in the spring gives out seritonin, but this feeling won't last forever. Edna Millay constructs a sarcastic, yet, enjoyable poem about spring. Creating the idea that outstanding weather does not change everyday life issues. Ednas personification and imagery throughout the poem illustrates the bittersweet attitude towards spring. To begin, sunny days give people security and comfort but then the sun goes down eventually. Edna proposes the idea that April is a person through the use of personification. She conveys, "To what purpose, April, do you return again? Beauty is not enough" (Millay 1-2). Furthering the idea that spring has come again and while it's beauty brings a sense of joy, it is not enough to keep ones problems away. The speaker is upset in their own life and becomes bitter at the thought of pretty weather because multiple people believe that will cure them. The annoyance of speaker is represented when, "April/ Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers" (Millay 17-18). April is described as an idiot which refers to …show more content…

Edna incorporates imagery in the poem to give the reader an understanding of the thought process behind the speaker. The speaker suggests that, "under ground are the brains of men/Eaten by maggots" (Millay 11-12). Furthering the imagery that even while the sun is shining and giving the illusion of a good day, on the inside people are still suffering. She also incorporates, "The smell of the earth is good/It is apparent that there is no death"(Millay 8-9). This side of the imagery represents the bittersweet feeling the speaker has towards spring. Even though the speaker is miserable within themselves, they cannot help but to enjoy the freshness of April. Overall, Edna contributes imagery into the poem to represent the inner view of the speaker towards spring and furthering the bittersweet

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