St. Lucy's Home Raised By Wolf Analysis

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Karen Russel’s narrator, Claudette in the short story “St. Lucy’s home for girls raised by wolves” has a guilty hope that she fails to adapt to her new human culture and exhibits her instinctive wolve traits showing that Claudette has not successfully adapted to the human culture. Claudette wishes to adapt to the human culture but has a difficult time accepting it. The St. Lucy’s home for girls raised by wolves is for girls to learn the human culture. The faster the girls go through the stages, the faster they have adapted and accepted their new culture and can be released. While Claudette acts as if the human culture is growing on her and she acts like a good student it is only because of the school’s expectations. Claudette wants to return back to her wolf culture so she pretends to have …show more content…

However, she still preforms bad wolf habits showing that she has not successfully adapted to the human culture. Little things such as translating wolf into English in her head before saying them is one example of the little things that go unnoticed. Still at stage three, Claudette wags her invisible tail, repeats the steps of being a well-mannored student, and licks her packs cheeks to comfort them. Claudette tries extremely hard to welcome her new culture but some things happen instinctively exhbiting that she is not ready to leave. For example, Claudette was at the dance and got mad at a boy so she instinctively displays her wolf personality. “I narrowed my eyes at Kyle and flattened my ears, something I hadn’t done for months” (Russell 243). Even though Claudette is almost at the end of stage four, she still fails to deminish her wolf instincts. Having the wrong mindset forces Claudette to forget what she has previously learned and return back to her wolf instincts. As much as Claudette wishes to adapt to the human culture, instinctive habits and hopes cause her to not