Staffduty: A Short Story

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SPC Caropreso at approximately 1800 hrs on 5MAY2017 myself and SGT Smith heard loud nosiey coming from your barracks room as we enter your common area we we noticed that you where starting to destroy your common area and myself and SGT Smith tired to claim you down. All you would say to us to "fuck off" and Fuck you and i dont need you guys to watch me or take care of me. You then went into your room and didnt want to open your door we heard the sound of breaking glass which we then had to get inside you room. After about 5mins you opened the door which myself, SGT Smith and SGT Taumlu clean up all the glass you had broking from you piture frames. your room was destroyed also with everything in piceses. You had ripped our window screen. …show more content…

10mins later BN StaffDuty comes to my room to inform me you said to SFC the NCOIC of staffduty "you suck and fuck off and or fuck you. StaffDuty told me this was the last time he better no come outside of we are going to have to call 1SG, SGM and BC. I then go to get you downstairs again and which you did not want to come up to your room after you said sorry to StaffDuty you then did not want to go in your room and this point i allowed you to seat on the end of the hallway to get air in the start well exit door. You told me to "don't fucking touch me I dont need you or your help fuck off" After repeatedly ordered you to remain in your room and remain calm over and over again. Your failure to obey an order and your blatant disrespect towards the leadership of this unit and this PLT will not be tolerated. Disrespect toward a Noncommissioned Officer is a crime under the UCMJ and will not be tolerated. If you continue to demonstrate this kind of behavior, I can only assume that you and military service are incompatible and I will take the actions necessary to either correct your behavior or separate you from the military. I dont know what motivated your response. Everyone that tired to help you from the top to the bottom has shwon

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