Stamp Act: Similarities And Differences Between Patriot And Loyalists

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Imagine, a new land across the sea found so people can get away from all their troubles and start a new life. Everyone get’s there is excited for their new life but come to see it’s exactly the the same but worse. A tyranny that’s being run into the ground by bad decisions and bad relations with other people will they realize they're issues before it’s to late or will the continent be saved by a different cause.When examining the events of Stamp Act, the similarities and differences between Patriot and Loyalists’ While both sides had their differences they all had common ground, they both shared the British tax system and laws. Whether the Loyalists agreed with the Parliament or the Patriots thought it was an imposition on their rights, …show more content…

According to Houghton Mifflin, James Otis argued that the power of the crown and Parliament was limited, “no person can take from any man any part of his property, without his consent in person or by representation” (Otis 99). Otis believed that the Stamp Act was a violation of the terms they set in the colonies. Although the Patriots did believe this and showed good evidence why the act was wrong for the British to do this, the Loyalist denied this statement and still believed that the British were paying off their debt in the French and Indian War. both sides had strong words and good statements, that wouldn’t stop them from disagreeing and not coming up with a reasonable resolution for both sides. Another difference within the Loyalists and the Patriots was they're different views on Britain's description of the preservation of america. According to A Letter to New York, “Preservation of America is of the utmost importance to Great Britain. A loss of it to the British crown would greatly diminish its strength” (Galloway 2). The Patriots just thought this was just a distraction to make the colonists think they were doing their job just so they could take over the