Standalone Mpa

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1. - A: Outcomes for a Public Administration (whether standalone or blended) program would be: Employment Status after Graduation 1 – B: Upon graduation students who attend blended model MPA programs are more likely to apply for positions in both private and public sectors, whereas students from a standalone MPA program will apply for positions only within their sector. Independent Variable: Graduation from an MPA program Dependent Variable: Sector Positions applied for Values: Public Sector, Private Sector, and Nonprofit Sector 1 – C: For the independent variable of graduating from an MPA program is operationalized by completing the program and meeting all the requirements set by the program for graduation. The dependent variable would require asking participants to share what type of positions they had applied for upon completing the program. This could be done through a survey asking if past students had applied for positions within the 3 sectors. Both of these measures hold face validity. Both graduation from a program and they type of positions one has applied for in the sector sound are clear measures. Additionally, reliability for the dependent variable is fairly straightforward, unless someone is applying for a position that is involved in a private-public partnership. …show more content…

Asking for a response for two different ideas requires two different questions. “Do you agree or disagree that it is necessary for the staff of elected officials to pass a civil services exam?” and “Do you agree or disagree that it is appropriate for staff of elected officials to pass a civil services exam?” Since this is an opinion question it would be best to use a scale after the questions were separated into two different questions. Using a five-point scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree with a no opinion option would be used for surveying