Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

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Standardized assessments to many others can be considered an important role in the educational system and they believe that they have brilliantly positive effects on improving a student’s learning based the results of these tests. “My appreciation of having had the privilege of introducing standardized tests in my school cannot be too strongly emphasized…No school can accurately determine the progress of its pupils, either as a group or individually, without using these tests” (E.M.W. 126). It is true that these tests can review results of standardized tests, but does it hold accurate results of how effectively these children are learning educational material? It’s important to understand that these results can only tell one side of the story. If the results were undesirable, what do assessments do? …show more content…

But, do they offer an criticism as to how to change the educational curriculum in order to improve the results for the next time? Not necessarily, they only provide results of testing and no feedback as to how to make the learning experience better so that the students achieve better scores. A suggested solution should be that there should be feedback given to schools if they are achieving low scores. No benefit will be given to someone if they are told they are underachieving without giving them feedback on how to improve their scores. That is why standardized testing cannot accurately represent a student’s academic learning. There needs to be more done than just determining the results of standardized testing and leave the school’s educational system to figure it out on their