Star Wars Essay

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With the release of Star Wars Episode VII - The Force Awakens, coming to Indian cinemas starting from December 18th, fans across the world are on tenterhooks about whether the movie will triumph or flop and what it means for the franchise. You will be able to read the movie review in Dainik Bhaskar upon its release. Cinemas are already gearing up for the huge amounts of crowds expected. Star Wars themed novelty holiday gifts are everywhere. But even though Disney and Lucasfilm, the movie’s distributor and production company respectively, already know that everybody will see the movie regardless of how it is critiqued and it will make a huge profit, fans are wondering if it will be a worthy addition to the Star Wars mythos. The Curse of the Prequels …show more content…

As revealed in a article, more and more movies are being made to appeal to the Chinese market due to the huge amounts of box office revenue to be made from the country. Star Wars fans are understandably worried that the new trilogy will follow the same route. The Disney Paradox Some remain optimistic, however, that Lucas and everybody else involved with the movies will learn from the mistakes made by the prequels. It is hoped that the financial investment made from Disney buying the Star Wars name could benefit the franchise, as it has done for The Muppets, Marvel, Pixar, and many other Disney owned franchises. Director J.J. Abrams earlier successfully relaunched the Star Trek film franchise to much acclaim. Other fans remain sceptical and are painfully aware that Disney only bought Star Wars to gain money from the brand. A Forbes article revealed that the Disney Princess franchise is already the world’s best selling toy brand, even beating out Star Wars. This makes fans wonder if Disney bought Star Wars to have a recognizable brand name to sell to the male

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