Persuasive Essay On Alabama Education System

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Alabama is considered one of the poorest states in the nation when it comes to funding education, yet it still does not have a state lottery. Let us start out by asking ourselves some questions. Would you like free money to help pay for college? What about funding for education in general? If you have or plan to have children would you like for your children to have the opportunity to attend a pre-kindergarten program? How about having the opportunity at a chance to win money? These programs could all be funded if Alabama had a state lottery. Let us consider why Alabama does not have a state lottery and why it should consider having one in the future.
I strongly believe the Alabama education system could benefit from having a state lottery. …show more content…

As a parent and a college student myself, having better opportunities for me and my children's education would be wonderful. I think all of us can agree that more tuition, grants, and scholarships would benefit all of us. Computer and other technological upgrades for grade level schools, colleges and universities would also be a great bonus. Alabama's education could greatly benefit from having a lottery. With a state lottery, Alabama could offer more pre-kindergarten programs. Without an Alabama state lottery, Alabama residents are going to spend their money in neighboring states on tickets and cards. I do not think the government should be mixing religious beliefs with state government. Playing the lottery does not mean that one is not happy with what God has provided. The majority of us all want to better ourselves by trying to get a new job with better benefits and pay. In church we pray for good things to happen to each other. Playing the lottery is another way for us to have that chance to better our financial situation. My interpretation of the Bible verses about money and alcohol or not that we should not but rather that we should be responsible for actions and have control of how much we consume. Yes, I am sure there are some that play the lottery for the love of money just as there are some that want to better themselves solely for the lave money. I find it funny that Robert Bentley voted against the lottery. How can the government vote against a lottery based on religious reasons when people in its own house are committing moral sins? The logical idea would be to improve our own education by having a lottery with its funds for