States Of Consciousness

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States of consciousness in sleep & how it may affect your well being.

The states of consciousness have always been an interesting topic to scientists and philosophers of the kind. For myself, dreams, thoughts about thoughts, and the endless and restless potential that is within each human has intrigued me my whole life. Only by taking risks and facing the feared is an individual capable of becoming fully actualized in life allowing them to become fluidly creative and free of mind. The consciousness of humans is often described as a river, with turbulent change and rapids all while flowing smoothly. Each day humans go through a series of changes that are dependent on an individual’s condition, health, wellness of mind, diet, and physical energy. …show more content…

There are three types of biological rhythm cycles that are identified today: Circadian rhythms, Infradian rhythms, Ultradian rhythms. Each of these cycles regulate a different aspect of consciousness. A human’s circadian rhythms function with cycles that occur every twenty-four hours like sleep, hormone secretion, blood pressure, and urine production. Infradian rhythms deal with any cycle that can take longer than twenty-four hours like menstruation, breeding, and seasonal or tidal rhythms. The final rhythm cycle is the Ultradian rhythms which directly affect any cycle that occurs more than once a day, like an individuals alertness level, hormone level, or even sleep patterns. Some of these rhythms have been proven to be dependent on environmental factors like the sun and climate, while other studies have shown that not all biological rhythms are dependent on environmental …show more content…

There are many different stages to the human sleep cycle. Roughly speaking there are three stages that an individual experiences that are separate from REM sleep (Rapid Eye Moment). The first stage is when the individual has just closed their eyes and it is easy to awake them with little disorientation. This phase will pass after 5 to 15 minutes. The second stage is where the individual is in a light sleep state, their heart rate slows and their body temperature drops. Waking the individual during the second stage may cause mild disorientation because the body is preparing for a deep sleep cycle. The third stage is the deep sleep stage and by this time the individual will be very hard to