Statue Of Sabu And Gudea Essay

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Throughout time sculptures were known to represent important people and actions within their society. Different materials were used, depending on the culture, period and location of the artwork. What did these tell us about the beliefs, morals, and customs of their times? In this essay, we will look at the differences between the statue of Gudea, from the Neo-Sumerian period, and the Statue of Memi and Sabu, from the Old Kingdom period in Egypt.

At first glance, it 's easy to see the differences in color as something that sets them apart. On one hand, the statue of Memi and Sabu is made of limestone, therefore it has a natural creamy color. This together with the expression on their faces, creates a welcoming feeling as if to evoke positive actions and goodwill. The embrace could also symbolize friendship, unity, and partnership. An important fact is where the …show more content…

The limestone figure of Memi and Sabu, is 62 cm in height, although much narrower that Gudea 's statue, it is comparable in width.

In terms of similarities, both of these sculptures have been created depicting a simple way of life. Not many physical ornaments such as necklaces or bracelets are found in either of them. Male figures were carved with muscular arms depicting their strength. Furthermore, both sculptures have been created with a base and scripts that explain further what they are about.

In conclusion, the Egyptian and Mesopotamian art described above are, undoubtedly, the result of their religious fervor, their belief in the afterlife and the reflection of the resources available in the region. Taking into account the intention behind the creation of these figures, Gudea 's sculpture does fulfill the purpose of highlighting the achievements of this ruler, whereas the sculpture of Memi and Sabu, with its cheerful appearance, successfully represent the lifestyle of the Old