Step For Peace By Israel And Palestinian Teenagers Unite: Song Analysis

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I choose this video song “Step for peace" by Israel & Palestinian Teenagers Unite to make a music video because this is only song i can understand. It is easy for me to listen to songs has Eng. Sub in a video. I can read their lyrics to understand what are they sing and they do. When I listen to this song, it makes me has a little sad feeling, giving me an empathy, and hope. It very sad the introduction because they said the negative about a life. They express what their feeling and describe their bad life to all people can see. The other songs are difficult to listen to very carefully, because it hard to me to understand and I don’t have any feeling with it
The first time when I heard “Step for peace ” in the list of songs, it makes I thinking …show more content…

It is a video song make by a small group of a teenager from Israeli and Palestinian to tell their big dream to want to a peace. They focused on their future to get a better life without a war and discrimination. They hope their life will change better than now and the other people will not racism them. The Israeli and Palestinian teenager wishing they can have a happy life same with another friend in another country. Just only stop the fight, they can make the future bright and they should all have equal rights. Their life will no more suicide bomb, no racism, no discrimination, and they can together change the …show more content…

They very upset to look at the people around them die and discrimination. The minute 1:43, they all fell confusion and they need a solution to stop the fight. They have a bad feeling in their heart and they hate to live in worry life. The minute 2:14, if they can choose a life for themselves again, they expect to forgiveness for all too able to bring a peace. The minute 3:39, they said: “we want peace, we need peace.” They are want to overcome a fear in their life. They want their future to be clear, and they want to live together with everybody in this land. They believe if they do together they can make end these evils of occupation and they should have equal