Stephanie And Boo Radley Comparison

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“Hay una historia detrás de cada persona. Hay una razón por la cual son como son. Piensa en eso antes de juzgar a alguien”. ¨To kill a mockingbird¨ is a story situated around the years 1940’, right after of the big depression. One of the characters in the story is Arthur Radley, also know as Boo Radley, he is a really quiet man who is the protagonist of a big list of urban legends, the reason of that is because he does not go out of his house. Miss Stephanie, another character of the book, is an old woman, really gossip and so superficial. She also lives in the same neighborhood as Boo, and just like him, she is really criticized. This shows us that Boo Radley and Miss Stephanie are completely different, and even with that, both are judged by all the people in town. This is a way to show that it does not matter how one person is, is going to be judged due to social standards anyway. …show more content…

In the 1940’ the people used to think in a “traditional way”, making them intolerant with the people who act different. This is the case of Scout, the protagonist of the book. She is a little girl who does not like to dress up and act like a little boy. The adults in the town say things about her, letting her know that if she does not follow the stereotypes she is not going to be a real woman. finally, after all the comments she starts to believe it “I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches”(81). The stereotype that Boo Radley should assume is the role of a white, educated and talkative man, probably married and with a job in a public charge. Instead of that, he is a man with the mind of a scared kid, “He almost whispered it, in the voice of a child afraid of the