
Stephen Character Analysis

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Stephen, he is very interesting and unique, but these are not the words he would describe himself. The words he would describe himself are much more detailed. These are the elements that makeup Stephen. His first element that makes him who he is disciplined why is because when he was five he was put into a martial arts program. Then he spent the next eleven years practicing memorizing and learning the information that was taught to him for years when he was in the dojo. He was taught to push his emotions deep down inside him and to think before he acts because when he fights it is a lot of faking and a multitude of different moves he knows. He also knows when it is the time to fight or not and this is one of the elements that describe him …show more content…

He learned this through scouts because he must respect God and the queen. He would respect his leaders and the other scout's members. The respect he gave to others was the same respect he got from those he respected. He still follows those same principles. This is the second element. Camping is the next element with this he understands that he interested in an activity different from other kids and why it does the things it does. He has camped in all four seasons. He has camped when all it does is rain or there are times when he camps where it is so cold that he can barely feel his feet. He has been to camps with kids just like him who are different and who have special interests. He has camped for so long that there are bound to be some mistakes but he has learned from these mistakes through camping. he understands how to not make those mistakes, so this is the third element. The next item that describes Stephen is family he comes from a unique family. His family comes from different cultures, countries and religions. But he does not think that way he sees them as one. He looks to those that have done good in this world or try to make a difference. He helps to be an example to his cousins and other family members. He loves his family even though they annoy him sometimes but he finds a way to still love them this is the fourth

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