
Stephen F Justin Empresario And Borderlander Summary

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Abraham Lincoln, a Whig congressman lashed out against the Mexican War, he called it immoral and a threat to the the nation's values. Lincoln’s main argument against the war was that it was unconstitutional and uncalled for, stating that the Act War was unnecessary. Acts leading up to the declaration of the war made him suspicious about President Polk’s intentions of going into Mexico. Lincoln used major evidence to support his anti-war argument by examining each piece of the President's war message of May 1846 and six propositions. Lincoln presented a speech in which he explained that Mexicans had made no acts towards the United States and were attacked in an area which was theirs. In “Stephen F. Austin, Empresario and Borderlander”, Gregg Cantrell’s main argument is that the borderland native had a cultural identity of their own that made them very unique. Cantrell uses selected readings from original sources on narratives extensively to explain in detail what happened during U.S-Mexico War. …show more content…

Starting off with how Comanches, Kiowas, Navajos, and other Indian tribes increased their attacks on Northern Mexican settlements which led to countless raids. Some of the reasons that cause this war were boundary disagreements and Manifest destiny. Americans overall outnumbered Mexicans during this time, which an advantage to Americans. In addition, Mexicans were viewed in a bad way, they saw them as weak and not intelligent. In 1845, Texas was annexed to the United States, the war ended in 1848 with the Treaty of Guadalupe – Hidalgo. It was basically a treaty "friendship" and settlement between the United States and Mexican republics. Rio Grande became a border between Texas and Mexico, James Polk wanted more territory and eventually he accomplished it. For some "big bucks" Polk gained New Mexico, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado at the

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