Stephen Hawking: Overcoming The Challenges Of Stephen Hawking

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Challenge 1) Example 1) movie= Theory of everything Example 2) novel= Forsaken Example 3) article= Bethany Hamilton- Soul surfer 2) Example 1) A.) This movie is based on Stephen Hawking when he was young and it shows the experiences Stephen went through. The whole movie is based around most of the challenges that Hawking experienced, for example his physical/mental disease of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS); in a very simple sense the nerves that were controlling Hawking’s muscles were shutting down. Hawking went through operations and dealt with physical, mental, emotional, and even a bit of spiritual. It show challenge through “Stephen Hawking” dealing with loss and pain and physical struggles, then achieving to overcome them. After dealing with most challenges “Stephen” had become a famous Physicist/ scientist. And managed to outlive the 2 and ½ years that the doctor gave him after being diagnosed with ALS. B.) Use of speech: the stuttering and slurring of speech made the movie affective. Facial expressions: showed the pain, love, happiness and whatever emotion “Stephen” was experiencing at that time. Camera angles: range of camera angles example. Close up, full shot, high angle shot, medium shot etc. Point of view: you get too see out of the characters eyes. Body language: the way the actor’s body was positioned, and this affect was used to get a point across of how the character was feeling or their demeanour. Focus: and the different ranges of focus to show who

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