
Stephen King Why We Crave Horror Movies Essay

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Stephen King, New York Times best selling author in the genre of horror, creates an ominous yet lighthearted tone in “Why We Crave Horror Movies” to appeal to a wide variety of people, but especially towards fellow fans of horror, through the use of comparisons, dark humor, and informal language. King uses these strategies to explain why we crave horror movies; they are an outlet for the monsters, or rather the negative thoughts, that high within the crevices of our mind. King compares horrors movies to roller coasters in that “a really good horror movie may surprises a scream out of us,” similar to the way a faster turn or drop on a roller coaster does. Although the drop is expected, it still yields a rush of adrenaline. Horror movies are a sane way to get the same rush of adrenaline, but also a way to shine a light into the darkness that is deep within, when ordinarily these emotions would be suppressed to seem more sensible to the outside world. King also relates that horror movies have become “the modern version of the public lynching,” because although the suspense and the mystery of horror movies …show more content…

Although many murderers kill for the wrongs that have been done to them, some of the most infamous killers with the highest victim counts did it merely for fun - and because they could. King emphasises this throughout the essay, and provides dark humor through the joking contrast of “a truckload of bowling balls” and “a truckload of dead babies,” in an attempt to reveal the sameness of humanity. While there are many differences to the two, the recipient is left wondering what the punchline to the joke was. There is no definite answer, but eventually someone, somewhere would come up with an answer that would entice an unwilling

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