Stereotype Threat Theory And Its Impact On Social Roles

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George Herbert Mead symbolic interactionism theory helps explain the process of interactions and how interactions form meanings for individuals (Ferris & Stein). Sociologist Erving Goffman also pointed out that our clothing, speech, gestures, friends, and activities provide information about our socioeconomic status (Ferris & Stein, 2016). Through a symbolic interactionism perspective, people are often quick to judge a person’s social status based on their appearance Ferris & Stein, 2016). Sociologist David Sudnow, explains that we often make “split second judgments about who people are and which social status they occupy based on appearance” (Ferris, Stein, 2016, p 191). These quick judgments can affect your educational opportunities; an article …show more content…

“Colorism, the favoring of light complexion over dark complexion, has traditionally been important to the everyday lives of racial minorities in the United States” (Ryabov, 2016, p 1). “Regardless of the origins of colorism, dark skin tone became associated with cultural backwardness and low social class” (Ryabov, 2016, p 2). Thus being stated is showing that a person’s skin tone and social class can put them at a disadvantaged and can find themselves being stereotyped. Stereotype threat theory is helping explain the academic underperformance of minority students (Ryabov, 2016). “Years of research have provided clear evidence that teacher expectations serve as one of the mechanisms through which negative stereotypes are internalized” (Ryabov, 2016, p 4). The article is providing more evidence that lowered expectations for ethnic minority groups is negatively influencing their performance and achievement in school (Ryabov, 2016). Ryabov hypothesized a negative association between the darkness of skin and educational attainment. Results show that people of a darker skin tone were less likely to complete high school and to transition to college due to stereotyping from teachers (Ryabov,